The yes vote
is not about 'separation' - its about a healthier partnership in the British
Isles and a more prosperous Scotland.
I believe in de-centralised government which works for other countries.
This is not
about nationalism either, its about constitutional change and about all who
wish to live in Scotland - and for
better education, health service and infrastructure and that children will not
live in dire poverty in our rich country. We never voted here for our taxes to
be used for illegal wars or nuclear weapons in Scotland.
I believe we
can do a better job. If Scotland
is one of the wealthiest countries I have to ask why so many of our children
live in dire poverty. I grew up in Edinburgh,
lived in America
ten years and I was shocked by the areas of deprivation in the West of
My older son
works as a paediatric dentist and he has
to do many full mouth extractions for 3 years olds with rotten teeth (they are
given bottles with Irn Bru!) Dentists come from all over the world to practice
filling and drilling here as they cant’ do so in their own countries! And yes it is possible for children to grow
up now with NO fillings. It really is quite shocking as an indicator of the
deprivation and lack of education. What is wrong? They have tried breakfast programs to improve
general health but much more needs to be done.
Studies have shown that Improved equality works for all and raises standards for all citizens - wheras gross inequality does the opposite. .
A society in
charge of its own destiny is a healthier, happier and more prosperous one - and
we are not in charge with only one Tory MP and a Tory led administration that
is privatising health, education and more.
I don't
believe that politicians who govern in Westminster
and an out of touch Etonian elite do or have done a good job for decades, I
feel I have no voice in what Westminster
does or doesn’t do.
We know
other countries are able to function within Europe - so why not Scotland?
Why do we need to be dependent on Westminster
making our decision for us?
Does it all
come down to how we see Devo Max or what the difference between Independence and Devo Max
is. That's why its a constitutional question.
Women are especially afraid of independence. Do they feel more secure in
a UK
that enters wars run by war criminals? We will still have a close working partnership
in the UK,
in Europe and the UN - don't believe the scaremongerers! Scotland is a strategically important country.
London has become a centre for foreign
billionaires who are driving property prices there sky high and those such as
nurses and teachers can't afford to live there.
Scotland needs to break away from this false
bubble and create a healthier, more prosperous country for all - one that prioritises
co-operation, integration and shared wealth.
Could we
believe that we can build a better country – improve NHS management, education
standards, encourage business, increase social mobility, increase investment in
our infra -structure and in research and development. Rebuild Scotland’s
fractured fishing industry and ship building.
No other
country has such a centralised government. I don’t’ hate London,
I just don’t believe London’s government works
for Scotland’s
best interests.
The Better
Together offer the status quo. If you believe Scotland can do better vote yes.
And the
question is perhaps, can a Westminster
government work for the best interests of the people of Scotland? Has
it done so the past fifty years? These are the important questions before us
now – they matter for the kind of future country we might wish for future
generations who wish to live and work in Scotland.
Only a Scottish
government can work for the best interests of all those who live in Scotland. I hope there is a better way, and hope
matters, without vision what is there?